Sign for US 52, Exit 1 in West Virginia on I-64, still in Kentucky.

Older North WV 62 sign north of Point Pleasant.

The former end of WV 62, with a missing route marker, at the intersection of former US 33.

This is the former physical end of WV 62. At this point US 33 westbound turned left and crossed the bridge into Ohio; eastbound US 33 continued straight. Today WV 62 goes straight.

Crossing the old US 33 bridge from Mason, WV to Pomeroy, Ohio.

Error Ohio 33 sign at the foot of the bridge.

Looking back into West Virginia, older US 33 and WV 62 signs. Now WV 62 goes in both directions.

Looking at the intersection where WV 62 used to begin.

Old US 33 cutout mounted on the bridge, heading from WV into Ohio.

This is the signage on former US 33 approaching the intersection of WV 2 and the western terminus of WV 331 (itself an old routing of US 33).

Route markers for the intersection.

Looking at the beginning of WV 331 from old US 33.

Western terminus of WV 87 as seen from southbound WV 2.

Older WV 87 marker.

End signage for WV 87.

The western end of WV 87 at WV 2, at a "Y" intersection.

Back on northbound WV 2, looking toward the intersection of WV 331 and former US 33.

This is the old end signage on WV 331. Now US 33 is WV 62.

The US 33 signs are now WV 62 signs at this intersection.

This is the spot where US 33 used to depart WV 2. Now it marks the departure of WV 62. To the left is the Ohio River.

This is the eastern end of WV 331 at the former US 33.

Former end signage on WV 331.

These signs at the end of WV 331 now say South and North WV 62.

This is the eastern end of WV 87, just outside Ripley.

This is the end signage for WV 87 before WV 62 took over the route of US 33.

These WV 33 signs at the end of WV 87 now are WV 62 signs.

Standalone County 21 sign on eastbound US 33 in downtown Ripley. County 21, of course, used to be US 21.

North and South County 21 signs.

Looking back west on US 33, another standalone Jct County 21 sign.

These County 21 signs are on westbound US 33.

This is not a misprint -- there is a community in West Virginia called "Kentuck," not "Kentucky." At the end of the ramp from southbound I-77 to WV 34.

End signage for WV 34 at I-77.

The I-77 interchange where WV 34 ends.

This is at the end of the ramp from southbound I-77 to WV 622 and County 21. It marks the northern terminus of WV 622, which is multiplexed with County 21 for a short distance.

This is the first WV 622 sign, photographed in a driving rainstorm.

Also in a pouring rain, the end signage for WV 622.

These signs have been replaced. They are the old overheads for northbound I-79 at that route's southern terminus at I-77 just north of Charleston.