Intersection of US 60 and Alt WV 10 near Barboursville. This sign assembly replaced an erroneous assembly that had the ALT banner atop the US 60 sign.

Intersection of WV 62 and WV 622 at Cross Lanes.

WV 622 at the terminus of WV 501.

Signage at WV 501's western terminus.

Signage on US 33 at the southern terminus of WV 14 at Spencer.

End signage at the terminus of WV 14.

Intersection of US 33 and US 119 at Spencer. These two routes run across West Virginia all the way to Buckhannon.

Terminus of WV 36 at US 119 just outside Spencer.

The end of WV 36.

Northbound US 119 where it joins WV 33.

Intersection of WV 16 and US 33/119.

WV 16, US 33 and US 119 markers.

Split of US 33/119 and WV 16.

Intersection of WV 5, US 33 and US 119 in downtown Glenville. There should be a sign showing that WV 5 west turns left at this intersection.

Intersection of WV 5, US 33 and US 119 east of downtown Glenville.

US 33, US 119 and WV 5 markers heading toward downtown Glenville.

Signage at the split of WV 5 and US 33/119.

A different angle of the previous photo.

Looking west where WV 5 joins US 33/119.

US 33 and US 119 markers beyond the WV 5 intersection.

Terminus of WV 47 at US 33/119.

Terminus of WV 18 at WV 47.

End signage for WV 18.

Signage at the end of WV 18.

Signage at the intersection of WV 47 and WV 74.

End signage for WV 74.

The end of WV 74 and WV 47.

Back at the intersection of WV 18 and WV 47.

End signage for WV 47 at US 33/119.

Signage at WV 47's terminus.

US 33/119 markers just east of the WV 47 junction.

Signage for US 19, US 33 and US 119 in downtown Weston.

US 33, US 119 and I-79 markers in Weston.

US 19, US 33, US 119 and I-79 signs in Weston.

Mileage sign on US 33/119 east of downtown Weston.

Exit signage on I-79 at Flatwoods. The route actually intersecting the interstate here is US 19.

Signage at the end of the ramp.

Signage at the end of the connector road from I-79 to US 19 at Flatwoods.

Signage at the terminus of WV 15 on WV 4.

End signage for WV 15.

Signage at the end of WV 15.

Reduced speed sign on US 19 at Summersville, world-famous speedtrap.

"Strictly Enforced" speed limit warning on US 19 approaching Summersville.

Summersville speed limit sign and portable radar trailer.

End signage for WV 129 approaching WV 41.

Signage at the end of WV 129.

The eastern terminus of WV 129 as seen from southbound WV 41.

Exit signage for US 60 on southbound US 19.

Preparing to cross the New River Gorge Bridge on US 19.

Tamarack advance sign on US 19 in the Fayetteville/Oak Hill area.

Overhead for WV 16 and WV 16 on US 19 in Oak Hill.

Split of US 19, WV 16 and WV 61 near Oak Hill.

Terminus of WV 612 at Oak Hill.

End signage for WV 612.

Shooting into the afternoon sun, the terminus of WV 612 at the West Virginia Turnpike.

End signage for WV 94 south of Charleston.

Approaching WV 94 on northbound WV 61.

I-64 and I-77 signs with unusual font.

Leaving the West Virginia Turnpike.

Aggressive Driving enforcement sign on I-64/77 approaching Charleston.