At the exit, TN 385 is signed with a secondary sign, not a primary sign.

TN 385 between I-40 and US 51 is an interstate-quality freeway, but there are no exit numbers on the signs. This is where the route crosses US 70.

A West TN 385 marker.

Exit signage for TN 14 with the exit in the background.

Signage at the TN 14 exit.

A view of the TN 385 freeway.

Most interstates no longer use the word "exit" on their advance signs, but Tennessee uses the word on its non-interstate freeways. There are also a number of "Computer Check Courses" on Tennessee highways, whatever that is.

This ramp provides access to the naval base as well as a public route (TN 204) heading south toward Memphis.

This is approaching the end of TN 385 at US 51 near Millington, north of Memphis.

It appears as if there are plans to extend the freeway past US 51, judging from the grade work seen in the distance.

Traffic is shunted to what will eventually be an exit ramp to US 51.

US 51 signage at the end of TN 385.

TN 205 sign along US 51 in Millington.

North US 51 marker in the Millington area.

View of the four-lane US 51 highway north of Millington.

US 51 appears to have been widened by the Virginia Twinning method. At this spot the two directions of travel diverge and the median is wide enough to contain several homes and businesses untouched when the route was widened.

TN 59 and TN 54 markers. Note the use of the serif Clarendon font for the state name in the TN 54 sign and the sans-serif font in the two TN 59 signs.

More TN 59 and TN 54 signs.

US 51 and TN 59 markers.

TN 384 and TN 54 signage.

A closeup of the signage seen in the previous photo.

This sign north of Covington contains the first mention of South Fulton past the TN 385 freeway.

TN 87 signage.

TN 19 intersects US 51 outside Ripley.

US 51 and TN 19 are routed together for a short distance near Ripley.

This sign shows TN 19 as a primary route where it departs US 51.

But this sign notes it as a secondary route.

And this sign at the exit still notes it as a secondary route.

US 51 and TN 88 are grade-separated.

Approaching Dyersburg from the south, the first mention of the out-of-place US 412.

This is the first mention of I-155.

Another US 412 sign along the US 51 Dyersburg bypass.

A huge feed mill operation along the US 51 Dyersburg bypass.

Tennessee has an interesting way of signing upcoming speed limit reductions -- much like a "Stop Ahead" sign.

TN 104 intersects US 51.

Trucks are advised to follow the US 51 bypass.

This sign is a bit misleading. US 51 continues straight but this sign directs US 51 traffic to turn left. However, in reality, using TN 78 north to I-155 east is really a more direct route for thru US 51 traffic than is following US 51.

TN 78 splits into primary and secondary routes when it crosses US 51.

Signage at the TN 78 intersection.

US 51 and TN 104 truck route markers beyond TN 78.

US 51 approaches the business route, the original path of US 51 through downtown Dyersburg.

Immediately after US 51 rejoins the old route, it meets US 412.

US 51 briefly joins US 412 for the short ride over to I-155.

Once on US 412, US 51 immediately exits.

Overhead signage at the spot where US 412 joins I-155 and US 51 turns north to take over the freeway.

North of Dyersburg, US 51 is marked as a future corridor of I-69.

Several bridges along this portion of US 51 have cables such as these attached. So too does the bridge which carries the Western Kentucky Parkway across US 41 in western Kentucky. Is this some sort of earthquake retrofitting?

US 51 intersects TN 77.

The exit sign for TN 77.

Even though it is a full freeway, built to interstate standards and with a 70 mph limit, US 51 is signed as a bike route.

This is the US 51 freeway between Dyersburg and Union City.

Another exit along the freeway is for TN 105.

The TN 105 freeway also leads to TN 89.

Tn 105 exit.

Even though we are in Obion County, the town of Obion is just a small town.

The Obion exit.

Approaching Union City, US 51 intersects TN 21.

There is a four-lane bypass of downtown Union City, which appears to be a decent-sized town in the northwestern corner of Tennessee.

Overheads where the US 51 bypass breaks away from the main route.

Ground-level signage at the intersection where US 51's bypass turns left.

TN 22 and TN 5 signage.

TN 22 and TN 5.

More TN 22 and TN 5 signage. TN 22 south joins US 51 north.

Wrong-way signage of TN 22 and US 51.

US 51 encounters TN 21 again. Although we are traveling north on US 51, which would logically indicate that a left turn would put you on westbound TN 21, in reality TN 21 is traveling due north at this point ahd the overall direction of travel of the route is east.

North of Union City, TN 22 departs US 51 and US 45W joins for the ride north to South Fulton.

Surface signage for US 45W and TN 22 with a guide sign in the background.

The exit sign for US 45W and TN 22.

US 45W and US 51 signed together, heading toward Kentucky.

Approaching South Fulton, TN 214 is the old route of US 45W and US 51. To access TN south, you have to make a U-turn and then exit from southbound US 51.

Signage indicating the intersection of US 51, US 45, US 45E and US 45W.

In the distance is the interchange where US 45's branches come together. In the foreground is the U-turn for TN 214 traffic.

Guide signage for US 51 and US 45E. This marks the end of US 45W.

Looking at the interchange. The ramp to the right leads to southbound US 45E. Going straight puts you on US 45 north toward Fulton, Ky. A ramp loops around carrying northbound US 51 traffic onto Kentucky's Purchase Parkway.

This is the spot where US 45 takes over from US 45W. The intersection in the distance is right at the Kentucky-Tennessee state line.

On US 51, this sign for Kentucky's Purchase Parkway Exit 0 is located in Tennessee. The ramp at right is from southbound US 45 to northbound US 51.

This shot is out of focus, but it's the bridge crossing State Line Road (KY 116) and carrying US 51 into Kentucky. The exit for KY 116 and KY 166 goes into the weigh station and drops you onto a frontage road.

This sign informs travelers from Tennessee that they have entered the Purchase Parkway. At one point the Purchase Parkway marker was square with the word Purchase with an oversized "P" in the white field, with the word Parkway in a much smaller blue field in the bottom. That marker has been replaced with a wider one with the name of Gov. Carroll.

At Exit 1, US 51 departs the Purchase Parkway. At one point US 51 was routed along US 45 from Kentucky into Tennessee but now it is routed on the four-lane.

Cairo, Ill. is prominently signed along the US 51 corridor, all the way from Fulton to Wickliffe.

The US 51 exit.

A sign at the end of the off-ramp directs US 51 northbound traffic to turn left.

This is looking west on KY 166. KY 2567 and KY 2568 are the frontage roads on either side of the Purchase Parkway. KY 2567 leads to the weigh station and KY 116. KY 2568 is a ramp to and from the southbound Purchase Parkway.

This sign (note the Tennessee-style support post) directs motorists to either US 45E or US 45W/US 51 as they approach the state line on the Purchase Parkway (the bridge in the distance).

Crossing the state line south into Tennessee with the US 45/45E/45W/51 interchange in the distance.

This is the first and only US 45 sign northbound between the 45E/45W/51 interchange and the state line.

These signs are in Tennessee but the one on the right uses the new style of US route shield that Kentucky has been using. A left turn puts you on the US 45 bypass and into Kentucky. Veering to the right puts you on State Line Road (eastbound KY 116).

Heading north of the state line on US 45.

The Kentucky welcome sign sits a bit north of the state line.

These signs are on KY 1648, which is the old routing of US 51 and now links the Purchase Parkway with US 45.

At the Purchase Parkway.

Typical view of US 51 heading north out of Fulton.

KY 94C is an old segment of US 51. The intersection of US 51 and KY 94 has been realigned.

An improved portion of US 51.

Unique small overhead signs on US 51 in Clinton.

Closeup of the overhead sign.

Mileage sign on US 51 heading out of Clinton.

Another mileage sign. This time Cairo is omitted and Wickliffe included.

Here's an old friend, KY 80, which runs from one end of the state to the other.

KY 80 crosses US 51 in Arlington.

At Bardwell, US 62 joins US 51.

US 62's intersection with US 51. In the background is a Huck's food mart, which can be very commonly found in this part of the state.

US 51 and US 62 signage.

Typical view of US 51/62 between Bardwell and Wickliffe. The route passes through a very forested area with several paper mills in the area.

A three-lane portion of US 51 just south of Wickliffe.

KY 121, a major diagonal route through the Purchase area of Kentucky, intersects US 51 (and US 62) a block south of the US 60 intersection.

US 51 and US 62 prepare to join US 60 for the trip toward the Ohio River.

Signage at the US 51/60/62 intersection.

This is looking back south on US 51 and east on US 60/62, as if you were approaching Wickliffe from Illinois and Missouri.

Actually you can reach I-24 by going in either direction here, either by using US 60 or the KY 286/US 62 corridor.

US 51, US 60 and US 62 split.

This sign is on KY 121 as it ends at US 51/62. The "To I-57 & I-55" sign is showing its age. Back in 1995, there were I-55 and I-57 shields posted at the intersection of US 51/60/62 but they are now gone.

KY 286 provides the shortest route from Wickliffe to Paducah. It's shorter than US 60 and US 62 and is AAA's preferred route from Paducah to Sikeston, Mo.

KY 121 crosses US 62.

Jct US 45 sign on KY 1276.

US 45 sign at the end of KY 1276. In the background is the Continental Tire factory at Mayfield.

Between Mayfield and Paducah, US 45 is a four-lane facility. This is looking south approaching Mayfield.

Purchase Parkway signage on US 45. Southbound Purchase Parkway also constitutes the US 45 Bypass of Mayfield.

KY 121 crosses US 45 in Mayfield. At one time KY 121 ran through the center of town but it has been relocated. Note the precast bridge beam being transported through the intersection in the background.

In downtown Mayfield, KY 58 and KY 80 cross US 45. KY 80 is gradually being replaced with a four-lane route that runs closer to Murray than the old route, which has been renumbered KY 402.

KY 80 crosses US 45; KY 58 joins US 45.

South of Mayfield, the US 45 bypass comes in via an oddly-configured intersection.

All US 45 traffic makes a right turn off the mainline, then splits at this ramp.

US 45 and KY 58 head south out of Mayfield.

Advance signage for KY 58's split from US 45.

There is no interchange between KY 58 and the Purchase Parkway. Traffic is directed to stay on US 45 to reach the parkway.

Stay on southbound US 45 for access to the Purchase Parkway.

KY 339 does link to the Purchase Parkway.

KY 94 is a main east-west route across the southern portion of the Purchase area. It intersects US 45.

KY 94 joins US 45 for a brief journey in the Water Valley area.

Signage for the shared route of US 45 and KY 94.

In Fulton, US 45 is routed around a bypass of the downtown area to the north. The old route of US 45 through town is now signed as KY 307.

Here is more signage on the US 45 bypass. Here the route passes through a cemetery.

This is the view on US 45 southbound at the Tennessee state line. KY 116 west makes a 90-degree right turn. KY 116 east goes straight and then immediately turns left. US 45 makes the angled right turn in the distance. KY 116 is State Line Road and the lawn mower you see on the other side of the road is in Tennessee. This photo was taken in Kentucky.

These signs are in Tennessee. KY 116 turns left; US 45 turns right. The backs of the signs you see at right are the signs you saw the front of in PICT00463.

Mileage sign for Union City and Memphis. In the background is where US 45 widens to four lanes and the US 45E/45W/51 interchange.

Approaching the interchange of US 45E/45W and US 51, marking the northern split of US 45 into its east and west branches.

Tennessee welcome sign on US 45.

This is the ramp from southbound US 45 back to northbound US 51 and the Purchase Parkway.

This is where US 45E turns left and where US 45W continues straight with US 51.

First US 45W marker and a US 51 marker in Tennessee.

Looking back north, here is another shot of the end of US 45W.

And yet another shot of the bridge carrying US 45 over the US 51/US 45E corridor.

This is on KY 116 (State Line Road) and is taken from the street seen on the right in PICT00510. (The lawnmower is directly on my right). KY 116 makes a right turn and them immediately turns left (where the bucket truck in the background is). This is the point where US 45 crosses the state line.

Exit 0 southbound on the Purchase Parkway is signed for only KY 166, not KY 116. The ramp leads to a frontage road that brings you back to KY 166, which runs under the bridge in this photo.

This is the exit sign for the KY 166 exit.

At right is the ramp for Exit 0. The big guide sign replaced a smaller text-only sign that was in this location years ago.

This is another photo of the overheads as you approach the state line (the bridge in the background). The mounting post is typical for Tennessee.

Overhead signage at the point where US 51 exits. US 45 begins to the left at the end of the ramp. US 45W begins to the right of the ramp. US 45E begins straight ahead.

Advance signage for the end of the US 45E South Fulton bypass. TN 43 is the old routing of US 45E through South Fulton and is the secret state route for US 45E south of here.

Diagrammatical sign for the US 45E/TN 43 intersection.

This is looking north on US 45E approaching South Fulton and the TN 43 intersection. Kentucky posted a new-style Purchase parkway sign here about a mile south into Tennessee.

US 45E makes a left turn onto the South Fulton bypass. TN 43 continues straight on the old routing of US 45E through South Fulton and into Kentucky.

There is a Purchase Parkway trailblazer posted along the US 45E bypass.

This is looking at the northern end of US 45E at the interchange of US 45/45E/45W/51. US 51 north continues straight and becomes the Purchase Parkway.

At the end of the off-ramp, US 45 turns right and US 45E turns left.

Another shot of the first and only US 45 marker after the split routes merge.

Another shot of the Kentucky-installed US route markers previously seen from the front and back.

This KY 116 sign is actually in Tennessee.

This is State Line Road (KY 116) in Fulton. Tennessee is on the right, Kentucky on the left.

The crossroad is the former route of US 45E. To the right it is TN 43. To the left it is KY 307. Straight ahead is the beginning of KY 129 which straddles the state line and becomes East State Line Road.

Blurry closeup of the KY 129 marker.

Typical view of KY 129. To the right is Tennessee; to the left is Kentucky.

Another shot of KY 129 as it straddles the state line.

At Dukedom, KY 129 makes a 90-degree left turn. KYTC District 1 is very good about signing the destinations and mileages along state routes in the area, even out-of-state towns like Dresden, Tenn. The post office on the right is actually in Tennessee.

Closeup of the KY 129 signage where it makes a left turn away from the state line.

Looking south at the four-way stop, the route becomes TN 118.

Looking back north toward Dukedom, three Kentucky destinations are listed in Tennessee.

Looking at the end of TN 118 and the state line. KY 129 continues straight and turns left.

Welcome to Kentucky sign on KY 129 east at Dukedom.

At Pilot Oak, KY 129 intersects KY 94.

Heading east on KY 94.

KY 83 is probably the most minor two-digit route in Kentucky. It's listed as a "supplemental route" on Kentucky's official route log listings, and it does not appear on the official state map.

Intersection of KY 83 and KY 94.

KY 97 runs diagonally south from Mayfield toward the Tennessee state line.

Typical view on KY 1270 near the Graves-Calloway county line.

Another view of KY 1270 as the route passes through corn fields.

The end of KY 1270 is at a "Y" at KY 893.

KY 893 makes a hard right at KY 1828.

And KY 893 makes another hard right at KY 783.

At this point, KY 893 has turned 90 degrees left and is straddling the Kentucky-Tennessee state line. To the right are Volunteers; to the left are Wildcats.

Still on the state line, KY 893 intersects US 641 at Hazel. The Gulf sign you see on the right is in Tennessee.

Tennessee state line on US 641 south.

Tennessee welcome sign on US 641.

The first US 641 sign in Tennessee.

In Tennessee, approaching the Kentucky state line on US 641 north.

KY 893 is on the state line. The Kentucky welcome sign and a sign hailing the Calloway County High School girls softball state championship team are on the right.

The first US 641 sign in Kentucky.

US 641 has a business route through downtown Murray.

At the business route, KY 121 joins US 641.

US 641 and KY 121 are co-signed on a four-lane route that passes between downtown Murray and Murray State University.

KY 94 crosses US 641 in Murray.

North of downtown, the business route of US 641 returns to the mainline.

KY 121 departs US 641, and the split is signed with square markers rather than rectangular ones. The square markers for three- and four-digit routes have mostly been phased out in District 1.

Typical view of US 641 as the route departs Murray.

Couldn't resist this photo since 464 is the prefix for my home telephone exchange.

KY 80 is being relocated between US 68 and Mayfield to put it on a more southerly course, near Murray. The route currently ends at Murray but is being extended to Mayfield. The old route of KY 80 has been signed as KY 402.

KY 402 (Old KY 80) crosses four-lane US 641.

Typical view of US 641 north of KY 402 approaching Benton.

Spur US 641 is a four-lane route that links the four-lane US 641 with the Purchase Parkway and offers a bypass of Benton.

Stay on Spur 641 to access the Purchase Parkway.

Turn right to stay on mainline US 641.

North of the spur, approaching Benton, this is the view of US 641.

In downtown Benton, US 641 intersects KY 58. Here 641 is on a pair of one-way streets.

KY 58 joins US 641.

US 641 and KY 58 are co-signed.

North of Benton on US 641.

US 641 joins US 68 briefly in Draffenville.

Looking at the US 68/US 641 intersection.

Traffic islands at the US 68/641 junction.

Ground-mounted and overhead signage for westbound US 68 traffic guiding the turn to southbound US 641.

US 68 and US 641 markers.

US 641 splits from US 68. The Purchase Parkway interchange is in the background.

On US 641 north approaching Kentucky Dam Village State Park.

US 641 through Ky Dam Village.

US 641 approaches US 62.

The intersection of US 641 and US 62 is grade-separated.

US 62 and US 641 prepare to cross Kentucky Dam.

Another shot of the approach to the dam.

Crossing Kentucky Dam.

US 62 and US 641 share pavement heading toward Eddyville.

Preparing to cross the Cumberland River north of Lake Barkley.

Crossing the Cumberland River.

Approaching KY 93 and KY 295.

KY 93 joins the US routes.

Three directions of travel at the same time -- east, north and south!

The infamous KY 6011 sign. Of all the signs I have seen in Kentucky, only KY 6289 in Letcher County bears a higher route number.

I-24 signs at the US 62/641 interchange.

Still going three directions at the same time.

US 641 prepares to split from US 62.

Typical view of US 641 north of the US 62 split.

US 641 approaches KY 91 and KY 70 at Fredonia.

US 641 makes a left turn to join KY 91 and KY 70.

The Trail of Tears Auto Tour Route is posted along KY 91 here.

This photo and the next two represent my bad attempts at timing to get a photo of the LED signals imbedded in the black border of the curve sign. The yellow LEDs flash at brief intervals to call attention to the steep curve. You can make out where the LEDs are but I never really managed to time my photos to capture them glowing.

You can see the location of the LEDs a bit better in this photo.

This closeup shot gives the best view of the LED locations.

US 641, KY 70 and KY 91 signage departing Fredonia.

KY 70 splits from US 641 and KY 91.

KY 91 will stay signed with US 641 all the way to the US route's terminus in Marion.

This is the northern terminus of US 641 at Marion. US 60 east goes straight and US 60 west turns left. KY 91 contines straight for a couple of blocks before splitting from US 60.

End signage for US 641 with the US 60 and KY 91 signage in the background. It is unusual for Kentucky to sign the end of a highway, even a US highway that ends within its borders.

Closeup of the US 60 and KY 91 sign.

KY 91 splits from US 60 in Marion.

This sign was interesting because the distance to all three towns is the same. This is where KY 91 meets US 60, and KY 120 continues straight.

Typical view of KY 120 east of Marion. The route becomes more rolling to hilly.

In Providence, KY 120 intersects KY 293.

Approaching Alt. US 41 on KY 120.

Alternate US 41 is the original routing of US 41. In the 1950s a more direct route between Madisonville and Henderson was built and it received the US 41 designation. The old route became Alt. US 41.

Heading south on Alt. 41 toward Madisonville.

Typical view of Alt. US 41 heading south toward Madisonville.

Approaching the end of Alt. US 41 at Madisonville. KY 281 continues straight.

The end of Alt. US 41.

Pennyrile Parkway signage on KY 281.

This is on KY 281 looking toward the junction with US 41 and the beginning of Alt. US 41.

The beginning of Alt. US 41 is straight ahead. US 41 is the cross street.

This arch welcoming visitors to Providence is on KY 120, just west of the Alt. US 41 intersection.

KY 670 is somewhat of a northern bypass of Providence. The shape of the sign is more of an oval than an ellipse which is typical for Kentucky three- and four-digit routes.

The KY 670 sign in this photo is more like those used in the rest of the state.

Approaching KY 56 on Alt 41.

KY 56, Alt US 41, KY 873 and Kentucky Scenic Byway signage.

Alt 41 and KY 56 signage with mileages to Henderson and Evansville.

Typical view along Alt 41.

KY 56 splits from Alt 41.

The split of Alt 41 and KY 56 at Poole, Ky.

KY 425 is a southern bypass of Henderson. It links US 60 southwest of town with the Pennyrile Parkway.

Alt. US 41 joins US 60 and KY 136 just outside Henderson.

Looking south at the split of Alt. US 41 from US 60.

Looking north on Alt. US 41, approaching US 60.

The intersection of Alt. US 41, US 60 and KY 136 is a "Y."

Alt. US 41 and US 60 signage in Henderson.

This marks the northern end of Alt. US 41. US 60 east continues straight. At right is the ramp to both northbound and southbound US 41.

Overheads where you have the choice to take US 41 north or south. Technically I suppose this is the northern end of Alt. 41.

Trees obscure this sign on southbound US 41.

Overheads approaching the US 60 interchange and the northern terminus of both Alt. US 41 and the Pennyrile Parkway.

Overheads at the exit to West US 60 and South Alt US 41, marking the northern beginning of the alternate route.

Bridge-mounted sign for US 60 east.

Exit sign for KY 351 on southbound US 41/Pennyrile Parkway.

Overheads at the KY 351 exit and the upcomign split of US 41 from the Pennyrile.

US 41 south splits off the Pennyrile.

KY 136 is back, briefly sharing pavement with US 41.

The KY 425 Henderson bypass crosses US 41.

KY 416 provides access to the Pennyrile and Audubon parkways.

Advance signage for the area's parkways approaching KY 56.

KY 56, US 41 and Audubon and Pennyrile Parkway signage.

US 41 and KY 56 signage.

KY 56 splits from US 41.

KY 138 crosses US 41 and provides access to the Pennyrile.

Another access point for the Pennyrile is KY 260.

The first portion of what is now the Pennyrile Parkway was built as a US 41 bypass of the Madisonville-Earlington-Mortons Gap-Nortonville area. US 41 was routed on the Parkway and the surface route carried the Alt. US 41 designation. Now US 41 has been moved back to the old route. A short connector allows traffic heading south on US 41 to access the Parkway to bypass downtown Madisonville.

Guide sign for US 41 with surface route signage in the background.

Approaching the intersection of Alt. US 41 and KY 281 on southbound US 41.

Alternate US 41 north begins to the right, while mainline US 41 continues straight.

This sign is on the northbound Pennyrile. The exit is the old access road to north US 41.

This is the point where US 41, when it was routed on the parkway, split off.

Exit sign on the Pennyrile for KY 281 and Alt. US 41.

In downtown Madisonville, KY 70 joins US 41.

After a short co-signed segment, KY 70 splits.

KY 2171 is a new access route to the Pennyrile Parkway. It connects US 41 between Madisonville and Earlington with the parkway.

And yet another connection leading to the Parkway.

This is the bridge that carries the Western Kentucky Parkway over US 41.

A closeup of the bridge piers shows the same kind of cables that were visible on the US 51 bridges in Tennessee.

US 41 crosses US 62 in Nortonville.

Intersection of US 41 and US 62.

At Crofton, KY 800 provides access to the Pennyrile.

Getting closer to Hopkinsville, Nashville starts showing up on mileage signs along US 41.

KY 1682 is a northern bypass of Hopkinsville, It provides access to the Pennyrile Parkway and also a truck route for US 41.

A right turn on KY 1682 will lead you to US 68 west of town.

US 41 meets US 68 and KY 80 in downtown Hopkinsville.

US 68, US 41, KY 80 and KY 107 signage in Hopkinsville. There should be a KY 109 sign here too.

KY 109 is signed here but KY 80 isn't.

Approaching yet another incarnation of Alt. US 41. This version goes through Fort Campbell and Clarksville and eventually Nashville.

Alt. 41's northern terminus. Again the KY 80 sign is missing.

US 68 and KY 80 prepare to split from US 41.

US 41 and KY 109 continue past the US 68/KY 80 split.

Overhead bridge-mounted sign indicating the left turn for the northbound Pennyrile from southbound US 41.

South of Hopkinsville, US 41 crosses the US 68 bypass.

In Pembroke, US 41 intersects KY 115. KY 115 is the first route that I-24 intersects when it enters Kentucky from Tennessee.

Guthrie is the point where US 41 crosses into Tennessee.

This interesting looking object rises out of a cornfield on US 41 south of Pembroke. It could be the US NOAA weather radar unit for Fort Campbell. Signs on the fence around the unit were posted reading "US Government Property, No Trespassing."

KY 104 extends into Tennessee and becomes a Tennessee state route.

KY 104 joins US 41 briefly.

Follow KY 104 into Tennessee and you will reach I-24.

There is an interesting configuration at the intersection of US 41 and KY 181 near Guthrie. KY 181 crosses US 41 and KY 294 turns off of it before it ends at US 79. All these intersections are in close proximity to each other.

Beyond KY 181 is this signage.

Yes, that's a pink elephant in the background. US 41 and US 79 cross at a four-way stop at Tiny Town, just west of downtown Guthrie.

This US 41 sign looks like it belongs in Georgia. KY 346 leads to US 70 north of Guthrie.

At the state line, KY 2628 turns left. Beyond is the sign for Montgomery County, Tenn.

First US 41 marker in Tennessee.

Looking back into Kentucky on northbound US 41.

Signage at the state line. The US 41 sign still looks like it belongs in Georgia.

Back at the KY 346 intersection and another Georgia-style US 41 sign.

Approaching US 79 on northbound US 41.

US 79 accesses I-24 at Clarksville, Tenn.

Signage where US 41 crosses US 79.

Blurry shot of KY 2128 and KY 181 signage as you approach the Tennessee state line on US 79.

This intersection is just a few hundred feet south of both the US 41/US 79 and US 41/KY 181 intersections.

Crossing into Tennessee on US 79.