These signs are on northbound KY 1 & KY 7 at the terminus of the AA Highway, KY 9.

Split of KY 7 and KY 1 north of Grayson.

Pete Jenior and Sherman Cahal beneath a bridge for the then-under-construction KY 67, Industrial Parkway.

Old KY 1 and KY 207 signs in Greenup County.

More KY 1 and KY 207 signage.

Peeling KY 7 and KY 32 signs north of Sandy Hook. This intersection has been reconfigured due to reconstruction of KY 7.

KY 32, KY 7 and KY 557 just outside Sandy Hook.

Split of KY 32 and KY 7 at Sandy Hook.

Old KY 650 sign on KY 7 south of Sandy Hook.

Looks as if this KY 173 sign is sinking into the ground.

KY 7 and KY 173 in Elliott County, just north of the Morgan County line.

KY 7 and KY 711 at Wrigley in Morgan County.

KY 7 and KY 519 north of West Liberty.

Intersection of KY 7 and US 460 in downtown West Liberty.

US 460, KY 191 and KY 2498 at the western city limits of West Liberty.

KY 205, US 460 and Mountain Parkway markers. At the time the photo was taken, US 460 was under construction across Grassy Creek Hill and was closed. Traffic was detoured onto KY 205.

KY 205 and Detour US 460 signage.

KY 205, KY 705 (which is an old alignment of KY 205) and Detour US 460 signage.

KY 203, US 460 and Mountain Parkway signage at Mize in Morgan County.

KY 191 and Mountain Parkway signage at Exit 47 in Wolfe County.