Intersection of KY 174 and US 60 in Rowan County. KY 174 follows the alignment of the old C&O Railroad line which formerly ran between Lexington and Ashland and is a "back way" to Olive Hill.

Intersection of KY 955 and KY 174. KY 955 can be used to get from Sandy Hook to Olive Hill.

Old KY 174 sign (dating back to the late 70s or early 80s) with a newer KY 1620 sign that appears to have had the numbers "620" pasted over something that was previously there.

Intersection of KY 2 and US 60 in Olive Hill.

Signage for US 60 and KY 986 in downtown Olive Hill.

Signage for US 60 and KY 182 in Carter County. Contrary to what this sign might indicate, US 60 is a through route; the intersection is in a curve.

Looking at the US 60 Olive Hill exit of I-64.

This sign has obviously suffered some damage. One of the posts is missing. The KY 7 circular shield that belongs on this sign was lying against the fence to the right of the photo.

Shot of the construction ongoing at Exit 185 on I-64. The ramps at the KY 180 interchange are being modified.

A crossover on I-64 just east of the KY 180 exit. Apparently there is going to be a need to shunt all traffic to one side or the other of the interstate at some point during the construction process.

In West Virginia, this is the scene at the Milton exit on I-64, where construction is ongoing to repair the bridge.

In both West Virginia and Kentucky, I-64 is known as the Purple Heart Trail. This is the signage as you exit the rest area on I-64 eastbound near Hurricane.

This odd configuration is a detour for I-64 traffic near Teays Valley, where the new US 35 is under construction. While an old bridge is being demolished and a new bridge is built, traffic is directed onto a temporary routing.

This is the signage on WV 61 where Cabin Creek Road terminates. County 79/3 can be used to detour the northernmost toll plaza on the West Virginia Turnpike.

There is no way to cross the mountain where the Memorial Tunnel is located, other than the WV Turnpike. Southbound traffic can exit onto Paint Creek Road, Kanawha County 83, to parallel the turnpike going south.

This is a typical view of Kanawha County 83. The WV Turnpike maintenance garage is in the background.

Another typical shot of Kanawha County 83.

Kanawha County 83 crosses into Fayette County and becomes Fayette County 15. Here the road has edge lines painted.

At this location Fayette County 15 parallels the WV Turnpike, at left, and there is a curb on the northbound side of the county route.

A view of the Mahan exit of the WV Turnpike from Fayette County 15.

These signs are located on County 15. The I-77 sign looks a lot newer than the I-64 sign.

Destinations for the WV Turnpike on County 15.

I-64 and I-77 signs at the turnoff to the Mahan exit on County 15.

Shortly after passing the turnoff to the exit, County 15 passes under the WV Turnpike.

Past Mahan, the road quality deteriorates quickly. There are lots of one-lane bridges, including this one with a wooden deck, and the road is full of potholes as you can see in the distance.

This is a typical view of County 15 south of Mahan. The WV Turnpike can be seen in the background.

Passing under the WV Turnpike again.

And yet another Turnpike overpass.

Here's yet another one.

This bridge with a metal deck is located at the bottom of a small incline (in the distance) with some extreme switchbacks that one must negotiate before passing under the Turnpike bridge in the distance.

After passing through a hard switchback, another turnpike underpass.

The underside of the bridge shown in the previous photo. The southbound lanes are located on the left, the northbound lanes on the right.

An old concrete bridge along County 15.

Typical view of County 15 with old wooden posts and cable guardrails.

Approaching Mossy, the old concrete bridge to the right has been bypassed by a metal bridge.

This signage is located at the end of the exit ramp from the turnpike southbound to WV 612 at Mossy. The WV 612 sign is unusual in that it is a three-digit route signed in a square blank instead of a rectangle.

This signage marks the end of County 15. Here it's known as Milburn Road but further north it's called Paint Creek Road.

Signage on WV 612 indicating the turnoff for County 23. This route can be used between Mossy and Pax to avoid the toll booth on the WV Turnpike.

Typical view of County 23. This road is extremly narrow but has had its shoulders widened to allow two vehicles to pass.

Another view of County 23 with rhododendrons (also known as azaleas) lining the roadway.

A view of the WV Turnpike toll plaza from County 23.

Another view of the toll plaza.

The road quality improves as County 23 approaches County 23/2, which is the intersecting route for the Pax exit on the WV Turnpike.

I-64 and I-77 signage on County 23 at Pax.

This is the signage where County 23/2 ends at County 23.

Pax is an incorporated town in Fayette County.

This signage is visible at the terminus of County 27, which connects to US 19 near Mt. Hope. County 23 has taken the name Paint Creek Road instead of Paint Creek-Pax Road.

In Raleigh County, County 23 becoes County 7. There is WV standard signage (minus the graffiti) at the intersection of County 7 and County 1 to indicate destinations, but the county route numbers themselves are not well signed at this intersection. To the right, visible through the trees, is yet another WV Turnpike bridge.

County 1 and County 7 have an unsigned duplex and they pass under the WV Turnpike (the foreground bridge is for the northbound lanes), then the routes split in the distance and County 1 passes back underneath the turnpike going east toward Oak Hill. West Virginia official county maps indicate that the intersection is actually in the vicinity of where this photo was taken.

This is the signage on westbound County 1 at the intersection of County 7. Although the road to the right is signed only as County 1, it's actually a duplex with County 7.

West Virginia official county maps show this route as County 6, but it is signed as County 19/3. This route connects to County 6 and County 19/3 continues to WV 16 near Bradley.

County 19/3 passes under the WV Turnpike, the northbound lanes are in the background and the southbound lanes are in the foreground.

County 6 turns off County 19/3.

Looking to the west on County 6. The bridge in the foreground carries the northbound lanes of the turnpike over County 6. The bridge in the background carries the county road over the southbound lanes and that bridge appears to be of original vintage for the turnpike.

A view of the bridge carrying County 6 over the southbound turnpike.

Looking down on the southbound lanes of the Turnpike from the County 6 overpass.

This is the end of County 19/5 at US 19/WV 16.

Signage as US 19 approaches Corridor L.

US 19 turns from Eisenhower Drive onto Corridor L at this ramp.

WV 16 continues straight; to the left is the connector to the Turnpike.

Signage at the ramp from US 19 to the Corridor L spur.

Ramp signage as you enter Corridor L south.

Overhead signage for the upcoming exit for I-64 and I-77.

Overheads for I-64 and I-77 with the toll booth for southbound traffic in the distance.

Alternate destinations for I-64.

Overhead signage at the exit ramp from Corridor L to the turnpike northbound.

Exit gore signage for I-64 and I-77.

A view of the toll booth were traffic going from Corridor L southbound to the turnpike southbound must pay up.

This 0.0 mile marker for Corridor L is located on the ramp to the turnpike.

Overhead signage on the turnpike southbound for WV 3.

Button copy overheads.

Button copy overhead.

New overhead for the upcoming split of I-64 and I-77.

Non-button copy sign.

Button-copy overhead sign.

New signage on the ramp from the WV Turnpike to WV 16 and WV 97.

More overheads. The bridge in the background carries WV 16 over the exit ramp.

Signage for WV 3 on northbound WV 16.

Junction signage for WV 3 is much smaller than the other signs at this intersection.

Oversized WV 3 and WV 16 signage.

A look at overhead and surface signage at the intersection of WV 3 and WV 16 in Beckley.

More WV 16 and WV 3 signage.

Another shot of the intersection and overheads.

Looks like we have another Road Sign Math winner here -- 19-3=16 in Beckley.

Approaching WV 210 on northbound WV 16.

Advance signage for the WV 210 intersection.

At WV 210.

Approaching US 19.

Overhead on US 19/WV 16 on Beckley's busy Eisenhower Drive.

This is the terminus of WV 41 on WV 210 south, just outside downtown Beckley and near Mountain State University.

Closeup pic of the end signage for WV 210.

A look at the southern end of WV 210.

This is where WV 41 joins US 19.

There are all sorts of signs for the famous Exhibition Coal Mine in Beckley. This one is on WV 41 southbound.

The end of WV 41 at WV 210.

Old destination sign as WV 210 comes to an end at US 19.

WV 3 joins US 19.

Heading west on WV 3 toward downtown Beckley from US 19.

These old faded interstate signs can be seen from the McDonald's parking lot in Beckley.

Another shot of the same signs with the busy commercial area of the Harper Road exit vicinity in the background.

One newer I-64 sign stands out on this assembly.

Button copy overheads on WV 3 westbound with newer I-64 shields and older, faded I-77 shields.

The I-64 signs on this assembly appear newer than the I-77 signs.

New overhead at the ramp to the turnpike southbound.

Button copy overhead.

After driving 35 miles to Whitesville, at the Raleigh-Boone County line, it's 32 more miles onto Danville/Madison and US 119. So that is 67 miles WV 3 must travel in only two counties to connect their county seats.

This is the northern terminus of WV 305 at Surveyor. There is no "end" sign at this intersection.

Approaching WV 99 on WV 3. From here there are two ways to get to Madison. You can either take WV 3 to Danville and then briefly get on US 119 before exiting at WV 85. Or you can continue straight on WV 99 and drive across the ridgetop on Kopperston Mountain, then turn on WV 85.

A look at the beginning of WV 99.

WV 99 and WV 3 signage.

A typical view of WV 3 as it travels generally northward through the Coal River valley.

A coal conveyor belt is covered as it crosses WV 3.

Near Whitesville -- another Road Sign Math winner.

At Racine, WV 3 intersects WV 94. WV 94 carries what used to be US 119 before Corridor G was built.

WV 3 and WV 94 signage.

Destinations as WV 3 approaches WV 94.

WV 94 used to be the through route here (as US 119) so the intersection is a "wye."

It's not too far across WV 94 to the West Virginia Turnpike.

This is looking south on WV 94 at that route's terminus at WV 3.

Destinations for WV 3.

Two things unusual about this sign. First is that the previous destination sign was Hamlin (the county seat of Lincoln County) and not West Hamlin, where WV 3 ends at WV 10. Second is that the numbers are not aligned to the right, as they are on most signs.

Typical view of WV 3 west of Racine, getting ready to pass under a coal conveyor. This section of highway once carried US 119 south in addition to WV 3 west.

WV 3 intersects US 119 just outside Danville.

Heading south on US 119, a Corridor G mile marker and an WV 85 exit sign.

Approaching WV 85.

Past Danville, mileage notations to the next three towns US 119 passes through or nearby.

Another Corridor G mile marker.

Approaching WV 10 at Chapmanville.

This is the signage at the WV 10 exit.

Typical view of US 119 as it bypasses Logan to the north. This, along with the common section of US 52, was one of the last sections of Corridor G to be finished in West Virginia

Approaching the Logan exit on US 119.

Getting closer to the Logan exit. US 119 intersects only WV 73, which is the connector route from Corridor G to WV 10 in Logan.

At the Logan turnoff.

Pikeville appears on the mileage signs after Logan.

At one time, shortly after US 119 was built here, this turnoff was signed as WV 44. Now it is not.

Typical view of US 119 between Holden and US 52.

Approaching WV 65.

Advance signs for WV 65.

At the WV 65 intersection.

A short wrong-way multiplex of US 119 south and WV 65 north.

The routes split after a short distance.

Signage at the split.

Approaching US 52.

Advance signage as US 119 approaches US 52.

Signage at the US 52 intersection. US 119 has just crossed over the US 52 alignment and northbound US 52 runs beneath that bridge.

Overhead after the junction of US 52 and US 119 with a Speed Limit 65 sign visible in the background.

This sign, noting where Corridor G briefly crosses into Kentucky, was installed by the Bluegrass State.

This Corridor G mile marker is located in Kentucky.

Originally this ramp carried traffic to and from KY 292. There was WV-standard KY 292 signage installed here. After several crashes, the two states agreed to make the ramp only one-way from Corridor G to KY 292 and the WV-standard signage was removed. Kentucky has come back and installed a KY 292 sign for the connector ramp.

Approaching the second KY 292 connector as Corridor G approaches its second brief excursion into Kentucky.

This photo is in West Virginia. That is WV-standard KY 292 signage and in the background Corridor G gets ready to make a brief excursion into Kentucky.

A shot of the signage and the bridge, with a West Virginia-standard KY 292 sign in the background (that sign is in Kentucky) and the next bridge carrying Corridor G back across the Tug Fork into Kentucky. The signs on the northbound side are for "WV 292," not KY 292.

This is the KY 292 sign in the background of the previous photo, and beyond it is the bridge back into West Virginia.

Signage where US 52/119 cross back into West Virginia.

Just prior to the split of US 52 and US 119, destinations shown include Welch (52) and Pikeville (119).

Advance surface signage for the US 52/119 split.

Split of US 52 and US 119 with Kentucky in the background.

Once US 119 enters Kentucky, it intersects KY 292.

The famous US 119 and KY 292 signage as can be seen in the move "Road Trip."

New Kentucky welcome sign.

Guide sign for KY 3220 (old US 119) at Sidney.

And there is a surface sign here too.

Surface and guide signage at the ramp to old US 119.

This photo shows the construction on the final section of US 119 to be completed between Williamson and Pikeville.

Looking at a bridge which will carry the new route across the old highway.

Another view of the bridge under construction on new US 119.

This is looking at the new bridge from the road which transitions the old two-lane US 119 to the existing four-lane. It appears that this road will be used as an exit ramp from the new road to the old road once constructionis complete.

The new portion of US 119 between Pikeville and Johns Creek is signed as KY 3111. This sign is located on US 119 south at the KY 194 intersection at Meta.

Heading south on KY 194, this photo shows new US 119 in the distance.

A view of KY 3111, soon to be US 119.