This is westbound on I-64 approaching the US 127 exit near Frankfort, which can be seen in the background. This is one of the first sections of the interstate which opened in Kentucky in the early 1960s and has a tunnel-like feel to it because of the verticality of the rock cuts. The two carriageways each pass through similar rock cuts in this area. This section is prone to rockfalls because the cuts were not benched and have weathered since they were done.

Overheads on westbound I-64 at the US 127 exit at Frankfort.

This shot is of westbound I-64 between KY 395 and KY 53 in Shelby County. This is the original concrete pavement dating back to when the road was built in the early 1960s.

This is an example of the usage of Clearview font being found on new guide signs in Kentucky.

There are several overhead variable message signs in Jefferson County. This one is on I-64 approaching I-265 westbound.

Two-mile guide sign for I-265.

Bridge-mounted overheads for I-265 on westbound I-64.

Overheads at I-265. Under the bridge I-64 can be seen expanding from two to three westbound lanes.

Overheads for Blankenbaker Parkway and KY 1747.

Overhead at KY 1747. Hurstbourne Parkway used to be called Hurstbourne Lane.

Overhead for Watterson Expressway on westbound I-64.

Bridge-mounted sign designating lane drop at I-264.

Overhead showing the exit only lane for I-264 on westbound I-64.

Overheads at I-264.

This photo shows the cable barrier recently installed on I-64 inside the Watterson Expressway. Due to a large number of median crossover accidents, cable barriers are being placed on a large number of interstates in the Jefferson County area.

Overheads for Cannons Lane and Grinstead Drive.

This overpass has a decorative stone facing because it is located in Cherokee Park, through which I-64 passes.

This overpass carries a pedestrian walkway over I-64 in Cherokee Park.

Entering the westbound tube of the Cochran Hill Tunnel in Cherokee Park.

Overheads for Grinstead Drive, US 42/US 60 and I-65.

Overhead for US 42/60, Mellwood Avenue. US 60 has paralleled I-64 from Norfolk, Va. west through Virginia, West Virginia and Kentucky to Louisville, but this is the last interchange between the two routes. US 60 angles to the southwest toward Paducah and Oklahoma City; I-64 continues west toward St. Louis.

Bridge mounted overheads for US 42/60 and I-65.

Directional overhead for I-65 and I-64 approaching "Spaghetti Junction."

Lane designations for I-65 and I-64 approaching Spaghetti Junction. This is near the end of I-71 southbound where traffic from I-71 is funneled into either westbound I-64 or the ramps to I-65.

Overheads at I-65 exit on westbound I-64 at Spaghetti Junction. Note the brackets for lights; Kentucky has not illuminated its overheads in years.

These twin signs are for the 3rd Street exit. The right sign is for thru I-64 westbound traffic; the one on the left is for traffic entering I-64 from I-65.

Overheads for the downtown exits in Louisville; the bridge in the background is the George Rogers Clark bridge carrying US 31 over the Ohio River.

These overheads are on the entrance ramp from 9th Street (Roy Wilkins Blvd.) to I-64 east and west.

Overhead for the approaching US 150 exit on the west end of Louisville on westbound I-64.

Overheads where US 150 joins I-64 west with the hills of southern Indiana in the background.

Directional overhead for I-264's western terminus at I-64.

A threatening story western sky hangs over westbound I-64 with three lanes in each direction on the west side of Louisville. Much of this part of I-64 is elevated.

Overheads at the I-264 / I-64 interchange.

Guide signs have been recently replaced along the Shawnee Expressway portion of I-264 on the west side of Louisville. This is one of them.

Overheads for KY 1934.

Overheads for KY 1934 and US 31W/US 60.

Trees obscure this overhead for Dixie Highway.

Overheads for the upcoming exits for US 31W/60.

Overheads at the exit.

Overhead for Exit 8B. This is the end of the Shawnee Expressway and the beginning of the Watterson Expressway, which was orginally built as a US 60 bypass of Louisville.

This is the first Alternate US 60 sign in Louisville. Alt US 60 follows several city streets along the southern and eastern sides of Louisville to form a surface street bypass of the downtown area.

This pole-mounted sign has the Alternate tab underneath the US 60 marker.

Alternate 60 is very well-marked on its various turns on Louisville city streets.

This is where Alternate 60 turns from Berry Blvd. onto Taylor Blvd.

Here Alternate 60 joins KY 1020, 3rd Street, for a brief multiplex.

This signal-mounted sign warns of a low clearance.

The aforementioned low clearance.

Alternate 60 turns off 3rd Street onto Eastern Parkway.

This Alternate 60 sign is located on Eastern Parkway on the University of Louisville campus.

This bridge, painted in U of L colors, carries I-65 over Eastern Parkway. I felt so dirty passing under it....

No "Alternate" tab on this US 60 sign.

That's not a mistake -- the two directions of KY 61 are so closely aligned that signals have to be timed and left turns prohibited at the northbound intersection. To access north KY 61, turn right and then turn left, then turn left again, essentially making a U-turn.

Crossing KY 864, Poplar Level Road.

Approaching Bardstown Road, US 31E and US 150.

This is in the Highland section of Louisville. Alternate 60 goes straight here.

After making several turns in the Cherokee Park area, here Alternate 60 makes another right turn, here from Cherokee Parkway to Grinstead Drive.

This is the end of alternate 60, where Lexington Road and Frankfort Avenue merge and Shelbyville Road begins.

Jct I-264 sign on eastbound US 60.

Bridge mounted overheads on east US 60.

Surface signage for I-264 and I-71 at the ramp from east US 60.

Another sign at that same ramp has an I-264 sign with the state name.

Overheads on the C-D ramp at the I-264 and US 60 ramp. This C-D ramp is also carrying traffic that has merged from I-64 onto eastbound I-264.

Overhead for US 42 on eastbound I-264.

Overheads at the US 42 exit showing the upcoming I-71 interchange and the eastern end of I-264.

Overheads with lane designations for I-71 south and north at the end of the Watterson Expressway.

Overheads at the end of I-264.

Cable barriers on I-71 between I-264 and I-265.

Two-mile guide sign for I-265 on northbound I-71.

Newer one-mile guide sign for I-265.

Newer overheads at the I-265 interchange.

One of the numerous metric signs on I-265 in eastern Jefferson County.

The graffiti taggers had to be really determined to get to these signs for northbound I-265 traffic.

Overhead for KY 1447, which features a flyover ramp.

This shot shows the lane designations for the exit ramp with the flyover in the distance.

State name I-265 and KY 841 signs.

Metric distance sign on southbound I-265.

Overhead for Ky 146.

Old Henry Road is a new exit on I-265 in eastern Jefferson County.

Bridge mounted overhead for US 60.

US 60 exit sign.

Overheads at I-64.

Overhead for the cloverleaf ramp to east I-64.

Looping around the cloverleaf, this bridge-mounted overhead is for traffic heading north (toward I-71) on the Gene Snyder.

This old text-based guide sign has existed on I-64 eastbound for years without being replaced. Similar signs on the westbound lanes have been replaced with route marker signs, but this text-based sign remains.

This is the second of the two text-based signs at Exit 43.

When new signs were installed at this exit, the old posts were used. The old sign was much bigger (marks on the posts, not very visible in the photo confirm this) so the result here is an out-of-proportion looking installation.

Overheads on eastbound I-64. Here the route begins a descent through rock cuts to a Kentucky River crossing.

Bridge mounted overhead for US 127 north as the descent to the Kentucky River is underway.