Signs andSights from Grant County, W. Va.

Eastbound US 50 at WV 90 at Gormania, across the Potomac River from Gorman, Md.

WV 90 sign near US 50 intersection at Gormania.

Intersection near Bismarck where eastbound WV 93 joins southbound WV 42.

Left, split of eastbound WV 93 and southbound WV 42 at Scherr. Right, signage on westbound WV 93 at the same intersection.

Signage at the eastern end of WV 42, at its intersection with WV 28 and WV 55 on the east side of Petersburg.

Signage of the WV 28-55 multiplex in Petersburg, east of the WV 42 intersection.

Signage in downtown Petersburg, at the intersection of WV 28-55 and US 220.

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Thispage created May 2, 2000
Last modified Aug. 18, 2000
Copyright © 2001, H.B. Elkins