Warning signage on the Mountain Parkway near milemarker 56, warning motorcyclists of rumble strips in the center of the two-lane road.

This blurry shot of a "tipping trucks" curve is on US 23 northbound in Johnson County.

Plenty of warning for this traffic light -- this is at the top of a hill on US 23 outside Louisa, approaching the light at the intersection of KY 3.

At this location, KY 3 leaves the old alignment of US 23 and KY 32 picks it up. This is in Louisa.

The first WV 37 marker after crossing from Louisa, Ky. to Fort Gay, WV.

US 52, WV 75 and I-64 signage near the new four-lane portion of US 52 south of Kenova.

More signage for US 52, I-64 and WV 75.

The end of WV 75 at US 60 at Kenova.

Shot of cable barrier installed in the median of I-64 near Huntington.

End signage for WV 34 at WV 3 outside Hamlin.

End signage for WV 214 at WV 3. Looks like someone took a bite out of the corner of the "End" plate.

WV 3 signs at the end of WV 214.

This tiny WV county route marker is one of the smallest signs you'll find anywhere. At one time this was a "delta" route. Located off WV 3 near US 119.

WV 3 joins US 119.

WV 3 and error WV 119 sign. This should, of course, be US 119.

Sign for the beginning of WV 85 as seen from US 119 southbound.

Terminus of WV 85 at US 119.

Jct WV 17 sign on southbound WV 85.

This is on the old route of US 119. WV 17 follows the old route to Logan.

End signage for WV 17.

Two different fonts for WV 85.

Older WV 85 signage at the end of WV 17. The old route of US 119 continues straight.

End signage for WV 99 at the top of Kopperston Mountain.

End signage for WV 99 at WV 3, west of Beckley.

The terminus of WV 99.

Northern terminus of WV 305 as seen from WV 3.

This is on WV 54 and WV 97 in the construction zone for new US 121, the Coalfields Expressway. WV 97 continues on WV 16 while WV 54 ends here.

Signage at the end of WV 54 showing the continuation of WV 97.

Unusual font on the West Virginia Turnpike.

More unusual fonts on the interstate signs.

Leaving the WV Turnpike.

Sign showing a targeted enforcement area near Charleston.

Signage at the split of I-64 and I-77 in Charleston.

Overhead signage at the end of WV 61 on MacCorkle Avenue in Charleston.