KY 66 sign with unusual font on KY 11 in Clay County.

KY 66 and KY 11 at Oneida in Clay County. There used to be signs for the Daniel Boone, and later Hal Rogers Parkway here, but they have been removed.

KY 118 sign on the Hal Rogers Parkway.

Another KY 118 sign; this route was unsigned for years.

South KY 118 marker.

Old KY 190 sign with stencilled "9" and "0" near Pine Mountain State Park.

KY 441 and KY 74 signage outside Middlesboro.

Old-style KY 221 marker on KY 66 near Pineville.

Work crew installing center line reflectors on KY 15 in Breathitt County. The red building in the background, the Vancleve Fire Department, has been torn down for construction of a new alignment of KY 15 in this area.

US 23, US 119, US 460 and KY 80 signs on KY 1384 in Pikeville.

KY 15 and KY 30 signs in Breathitt county.

This sign should read Fallen Rock Zone but the word "Debris" has been pasted over "Rock" for this application. On KY 451 south of Hazard.

Warning for steel bridge deck on KY 451 south of Hazard.

Steel bridge deck on KY 451 crossing the North Fork of the Kentucky River in Perry County.

KY 15 and KY 7 intersection, shooting into the sun.

KY 7 and KY 699 in Perry County.

KY 463 and KY 699 in Perry County.

KY 160 and KY 931 in Letcher County.

KY 588 and KY 931 in Letcher County.

US 119 and KY 15 at Whitesburg.

Tenth mile marker on US 119 crossing Pine Mountain.

Going up the reconstructed Pine Mountain crossing on southbound US 119.

A truck lane southbound.

Wide center area in a curve.

Beginning of a truck lane.

Looking north from the southbound ascent of Pine Mountain.

Looking south on the ascent.

From an overlook a view looking north. The road cuts in the distance are a part of the US 119 project.

Another shot looking north, downhill.

A car enters the curve going south.

Another view of the US 119 project and the mountains in the area.

View of the fill where a slip was corrected.

Looking south, getting closer to the top.

The summit of Pine Mountain at the intersection of US 119 and KY 1679, Little Shepherd Trail.

KY 1679 sign near the overlook and parking area.

Looks as if this KY 1679 sign is sticking up into the air.

A shot of the Little Shepherd Trail, at the new access road to US 119.

The Little Shepherd Trail used to continue straight to an intersection of US 119, but has been realigned and now turns left. The road going straight (my truck is in the background) now dead ends.

Looking north at the downhill descent on Pine Mountain on US 119.

A hairpin turn is still a part of the descent.

Continuing south on US 119, going downhill.

THe foot of Pine Mountain and the KY 932-US 119 intersection.

This is the spot in Letcher County where the improvements to US 119 begin, just east of the Harlan County line. Between KY 932 and this location, US 119 is a typical valley road with twists and turns and substandard widths.

Entering Harlan County on US 119.

The end of the ramp fro US 119 to KY 160 in Cumberland.

Old-style US 119 marker with stencilled "9" on old US 119 in Cumberland.

Old mileage sign on KY 160 (old US 119) in Cumberland.

Entering Letcher County on KY 160, crossing Pine Mountain.

US 421 and KY 221 signs.

Split of US 421 and KY 221 looking south on US 421.

US 119 and US 421 signs at the foot of Pine Mountain, near Harlan.

US 119 and US 421 signs.

US 119 and US 421 heading north out of Harlan.

US 421 and US 119 split.

Old prohibition sign for US 119 crossing Pine Mountain. This prohibition has been lifted.

This blurry photo is of elk crossing KY 221 near the spot where Harlan, Leslie and Perry counties come together near Leatherwood. This was a quick "grab and shoot" and unfortunately the camera did not focus. There were more than two dozen elk in this herd, crossing the road and heading down an old logging road.

The Cincinnati skyline as seen from northbound I-75 in Kentucky.

Overhead signage for I-75, I-71 and US 50.

Overhead diagrammatical sign approaching the Brent Spence Bridge.

Overhead signage at the split of I-71 and I-75 in Kentucky.

US 50, US 52, I-71 and I-471 overheads in Cincinnati.

I-471 and US 50/52 overheads.

I-471 and KY 8 overheads crossing the Ohio River into Kentucky.

The I-471 bridge has been repainted a bright yellow. Taken at the Cincinnati roadgeek meeting, January 2005.

Looking across the Ohio River at the ramp from US 50 to Hill Street and Martin Drive. That's Mt. Adams in the background, home to Rookwood Pottery Restaurant, site of the 2003 Cincinnati Roadgeek meeting.

I-471 signs on KY 8 with different fonts and different sized directional banners.

Overheads on I-471 north crossing into Ohio.

Overheads on I-471 at that route's northern terminus.

Overheads for US 50, I-71 and I-75.

Button copy overhead signage at the split of US 50 and US 52.

Surface signage at the US 50/52 split.

US 50 and 52 signage.

Overhead on US 52 for I-275 and I-471. It's button copy.

button copy overhead for I-275 and US 52.

Overhead for I-275 and I-471.

Overheads on I-275 for US 27 and I-471.

Directional overhead for I-275, I-471 and US 27.

KY 8 and US 27.

KY 8 and KY 9.

Oversized number in KY 9 marker.

Overheads on KY 9 approaching I-275.

Overheads at entrance to I-275 from AA Highway.

Overhead for KY 9, AA Highway.

John Y. Brown Jr. AA Highway sign.

Unusual shield shape for US 27.

KY 1000 in Morgan County.